Iceo is collector-to-emitter current with the base lead not connected to anything. It is an extreme case because in most circuits, the base has a DC path to somewhere. Some testers also measure Ices, which the the collector-to-emitter current with the base lead shorted to the emitter. The leakage current in-circuit is somewhere in between Iceo & Ices.
Ic is the collector current used for the HFE measurement and maybe the Vbe measurement too. Most pedals run the transistors at Ic under 1mA, some, like the Harmonic Percolator, below 100uA. Some testers measure HFE at 5mA or higher, which is not particularly useful to pedal builders.
I have yet to see any Ge transistors with HFE over 300. Not saying they can't exist, I just find 600 very hard to believe. More likely your tester is making a measurement error.
When measuring Ge transistors, you have to let them sit in the tester for a few minutes so they can cool off after being heated by your fingers. Only then will you get a stable reading.
There is nothing to be gained by "matching" the transistors in a Big Muff. They all work independently, unlike the transistors in a Fuzz Face.