After a while I dived in building another kit. This time Valhalla distortion from PedalPCB. Due to graphics I had to redesign pot holes and use wires instead PCB mount for pots. Here are a few pics...(my phone makes crappy photos
After first run it works and sounds great, maybe a little fizzy on my practice amp HarleyBenton tube 15. After a while and some knob tweeking I changed power from 9V to 18V... wow it sounds great, more defined, fuller and richer tones, no fizzyness and it really chugs well. So no doubt what power to use. 18V is definitely way to go for this pedal

After first run it works and sounds great, maybe a little fizzy on my practice amp HarleyBenton tube 15. After a while and some knob tweeking I changed power from 9V to 18V... wow it sounds great, more defined, fuller and richer tones, no fizzyness and it really chugs well. So no doubt what power to use. 18V is definitely way to go for this pedal