Quick little note on the Kickstart push button if anyone's still interested, as I just today finished this build: these flimsy little guys seem to be really easy to destroy.
First one I installed literally worked once before the physical guts with the springs and the contact points inside just fell apart, and the thing got stuck in "preamp" mode.
Not sure if it's just cuz they are tiny and mostly plastic, thus doomed to fail, or if it was an overly-high solder temperature, or if my in-a-can flux remover melted it a little. To be safe, on the second attempt I cleaned my flux off with alcohol and a q-tip, and kept my solder temp around 600 degrees fahrenheit. One of those things (or it not being a faulty part) did the trick.
Question to @Robert or @Chuck D. Bones or someone: what would be the hack to eliminate that switch and just keep the pedal permanently in "pedal" mode, NOT "preamp" mode? I'm assuming we could bridge those six tiny pads in some pattern to make that stick?