which switch breakout boards would be right for this pedal?


Active member
This isn't a pcb from here but while I wait on some things I figure I can fix some mistakes I made on previous builds. This is a Voxy Brown (Galileo V1). I know the board is done pretty well, my fault is n the switch wiring. I think think using proper breakout boards will help me clean it up and get it right.

Not sure if this is allowed here. happy to delete it

Voxy Wiring.jpg
Connect the In/Out from each side of the PCB to the In/Out of the respective 3PDT board.
Connect the orange wire from each LED to the respective SW pad on the 3PDT board.
Connect the GND of each 3PDT board to one of the GND pads on the PCB.

Input jack goes to the left (unmarked) pad on the left 3PDT board.
Output jack goes to the right (unmarked) pad on the right 3PDT board.

Connect the two 3PDT boards together with the remaining two unmarked pads of the two 3PDT boards.
well thanks for the help, halfway fixed but seems I have something else wrong here. passes signal on boost side although noisily, drive side is dead. I was sloppier when I did this board so no telling what I did.

and moving forward
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