Which way round does everything go?


New member
I just got my first ever kit, going with the Isosceles boost for something reasonably simple.

I want to get started right away (already watched some soldering tutorials on YouTube!) but I'm unsure what goes where.

The PCB has one side where all the resistor values are written into the slots, do the components cover that up or do I put them on the plain side?

As for the puts, they go on the plain side right? So that the pots and components are on opposite sides, so when I open the pedal I can see all the cool resistors and stuff?

Also in what order do the wires go on the switch breakout board?

And how how should my soldering iron be?



I found this post very helpful: https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/basic-workflow-tips-for-building-a-pedalpcb.1165/

You are right, the components cover up the written side and the pots are on the blank side.

I haven’t used a breakout board, I assumed they were labeled to match the main pcb.

For my iron: I clean the tip and I set the heat so that I can solder around 1 second after touching the pcb and component lead. If I’m counting “1 and 2 and” it’s too cold, so I’ll raise the heat until I can solder on the “1 and” count.

One tip I would recommend would be to get your hands on a generic PCB and cheap resistors (amazon or local). Than solder 100+ components. That will help you gain confidence and experience quickly. Practice makes perfect!
I would recommend looking at build reports on the forum so you can see pictures of how the finished boards should look.
I only started soldering after a friend of mine showed me how to do it, never dared learning by myself, although at the time there weren’t that many YouTube videos on the topic. So good luck!!!
Took me a while to get around to it, but happy to report that everything seems to be working!

Chapman ML3 Storm Burst > Isosceles Boost > Victory VX Kraken EL34 sounds nice and filthy just how I like it!

Tune low chug slow my dudes!