Zener diodes and wattage....


Is there a minimum wattage for +9v pedals? I think this could explain an issue I'm having with my Awful Waffle. The 8.2w zener diode I'm using is rated at 400mw. Is this too low? Can I test a diode while it's soldered in a circuit?

(yes, i realize this is troubleshooting sorta)
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At 9 v, 400mw is 44ma. On the arttached site, they list maximum Hotcake current as 3.5ma, with the led on. So I can’t see this as the issue. I’m not sure if you can test in circuit—I’m assuming not, but that’s just a guess.

I’d recommend you go the “official” troubleshooting route—closeups of both sides of the board. Someone here will likely be able to point you in a good direction.

Thanks. It turned out that I wired the Awful Waffle wrong. I tried using a breakout board when the circuit isn't even true bypass. 🤦‍♂️
That breakout board is used for the typical bypass wiring like these guys:


If you check out the leads on those boards they mimic this wiring.

The wiring for this pedal is like this according to the build docs:


Plus, the in and out are on the board so you wouldn’t hook them up to the footswitch anyway.

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