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    • J
      Joben Magooch replied to the thread VFE Klein Bottle.
      These type of pedals/gadgets are a big vice of mine. I love building stuff with all sorts of wacky routing and zany possibilities and...
    • J
      Joben Magooch reacted to hamerfan's post in the thread Tube dampener rings with Like Like.
      The placebo rumor is based on the promise to improve the fidelity of tube hifi amplifiers, which is nonsense.
    • J
      Joben Magooch replied to the thread What's on the workbench?.
      I may very well have missed it but this is one that got me very stoked a while back when you dropped this here...any status update for...
    • J
      Joben Magooch replied to the thread Tube dampener rings.
      I had them in an old amp years ago (ac30) and it did seem to work nicely for me. Might’ve been placebo but they’re so cheap there’s...
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