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    • J
      If you don't mind waiting a while for shipping you can get aluminum toppers/knockoff "barefoot buttons" on any of the cheap Chinese...
    • J
      Joben Magooch replied to the thread Top Five.
      My tops: 1. General Tso: this is probably my favorite compressor I’ve ever played, DIY or not. I used a diamond compressor for a decade...
    • J
      Joben Magooch reacted to jwin615's post in the thread List view? with Like Like.
      Only if it looks like a geocities site with a visits counter.
    • J
      Joben Magooch replied to the thread D&M Drive.
      I’m a real sucker for “vertical” 1590BB dual pedals, too.
    • J
      Joben Magooch reacted to SillyOctpuss's post in the thread D&M Drive with Like Like.
      @Robert I know the original thread talking about this was back in 2019 but has this project been totally shelved? I know it's just an...
    • J
      Joben Magooch replied to the thread List view?.
      Seconded! It’s long been on my “Projects to do when things are EXTREMELY slow at work” list to make some kind of spreadsheet...
    • J
      Joben Magooch reacted to Coach_McGuirk's post in the thread List view? with Like Like.
      Any chance to add a feature to the website to display products in a single column/list view? Personally, I find it much easier to scroll...
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