Recent content by Anotherpedalbuild

  1. Anotherpedalbuild

    Triangulum problem

    I don't mean to sound critical, but there's quite a bit of copper showing where the pcb has been scratched, it may be an idea to check for track damage or bridges where you can. I recommend using a pcb holder for soldering (the rotating double clamp ones rather than the crocodile clip version)...
  2. Anotherpedalbuild

    Parentheses Octave and other issues.

    You're right. It is pretty mind blowing when you consider how many new pcbs are offered. I have no idea how pedalpcb HQ manages such a feat. I'm very grateful nevertheless.
  3. Anotherpedalbuild

    Parentheses Fuzz Capacitor Question.

    The electro spaces usually have a square eyelet and a round eyelet, and a circular outline and a + - polarity marking. Some pcbs have a bipolar cap with a circular pcb outline. Generally, if you have a box outline, it will be a poly box or film cap (63v or 100v rating are generally good) unless...
  4. Anotherpedalbuild

    Parentheses Octave and other issues.

    I had the same problem with the on/on/on diode selector. Middle and down were the same in tonality. I was using a different switch to the taiway brand specified in the build docs. I desoldered it, ordered the Taiway and made sure that the soldered joints on the diodes in the Rat clipping section...
  5. Anotherpedalbuild

    Deofol OD

    Wiring reroute
  6. Anotherpedalbuild

    Deofol OD

    This was a nightmare build. I bought two boards, and junked the first as it was a version 1 and the current build pdf is a version 2. I think that a couple of the diagrams on the pdf are V1. I've got a genuine Diablo, and wanted to build a spare. Here's my thoughts: Matching the jfets didn't...
  7. Anotherpedalbuild

    Grover Drive

    Mine too. I tried a few things, swapping chips/transistors. No luck. Cured the problem by removing the input wire and replacing it with a 115k resistor. Found that using a pot between the fxin and the switch dialled out the oscillation. This pedal has way too much gain, but I couldn't be engaged...