Recent content by DannDubbleEwe

  1. DannDubbleEwe

    Nobelium - tube bass preamp project

    I fully intend to. I just got back from a 4 day trip and am in the process of training for a new job, but doing a solid demo is very much going to happen. For those who got these boards - fatness awaits!
  2. DannDubbleEwe

    Nobelium - tube bass preamp project

    Had a few hiccups (unconnected output wire anyone?) but holy cow does this thing sound EXCELLENT. DI is preposterously full, right in to the amp it’s just great. So good. I’m blown away!!
  3. DannDubbleEwe

    Nobelium - tube bass preamp project

    That looks fantastic. Waiting on my LBA transformers and I naturally got the wrong tube sockets but I’m getting close…
  4. DannDubbleEwe

    Nobelium - tube bass preamp project

    Well, this is exciting. Ordered!
  5. DannDubbleEwe

    Mini Heterodyne Receiver

    They are multilayer ceramic caps - I think there are some in the shop here but they’re out of stock. I got mine from Mouser.
  6. DannDubbleEwe

    Mini Heterodyne Receiver

    I’ll have to check later but I know when maxing the modulate knob it stops the LFO in a way. I haven’t had any ticking in bypass. It is a pretty unruly beast so I would expect some ghost sounds happening pretty often while engaged. One thing I’ve noticed is each sound - sub, square, osc - are...
  7. DannDubbleEwe

    Mini Heterodyne Receiver

    Thanks! I just used the smaller, very long conical tip for my Weller. I put a tiny amount of solder on one pad, tacked the chip on, and slowly made my way across each leg. I think flooding and dragging would be a little cumbersome because the chips are a little “large” for what they are, but...
  8. DannDubbleEwe

    Mini Heterodyne Receiver

    First time posting, first time SMD’ing, loved every minute of it. Sounds great! Forgot to order a 10M so I had to parallel a few and mount them under the board.