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    • D
      Deperduci reacted to RetiredUnit1's post in the thread Random pix with Love Love.
      Here in Southern California, it's warm enough to plant in January. The boys and girls all get mini flowers around May to June, and...
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      Deperduci replied to the thread Random pix.
      and keeping the "same' plant alive continuously using the bottom stalks...
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      Deperduci replied to the thread Random pix.
      I think I could have the Chong salad with that 1, or would that be a big green cigar wrapper.. oof!! First thing I learned to grow was...
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      Deperduci replied to the thread Random pix.
      even the 'album' art, just look at the faces..
    • D
      Deperduci replied to the thread Random pix.
      could also title that 1 Bon Scott vs Brian Johnston, 1890's... and now for truly random,, 1 of my new channels when soldering the...
      • i-glued-my-balls.jpg-21f5a91dd7d49ee56d8ecd8652c8079a.jpg
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