Recent content by geekmacdaddy

  1. geekmacdaddy

    Photon Vibe-make it faster?

    I'd like to get a faux leslie speed out of the photon doesn't go quite fast enough. Can anyone suggest what to tweak? Those 4.7k's that feed the dual gang C100k pot? Thank you
  2. geekmacdaddy

    Cataclysm Delay Voicing

    Will do. Thanks.
  3. geekmacdaddy

    Cataclysm Delay Voicing

    Bump: Still looking to brighten this thing up a tad. Any help is appreciated.
  4. geekmacdaddy

    Cataclysm Delay Voicing

    The wet signal. I think? Thanks for replying.
  5. geekmacdaddy

    Cataclysm Delay Voicing

    I love this board, have built a bunch. Would love to brighten it just a bit...slightly to dark for me. Was looking at the Schematic and the network around the tone knob. Any suggestions for values? thank you :D
  6. geekmacdaddy

    "nuther Grover Drive

    Go gettum! Man, that was 2019...seems like a long time ago.
  7. geekmacdaddy

    Thumbsucker (Engineer's Thumb)

    No. I haven't tried on bass...and thank you.
  8. geekmacdaddy

    Thumbsucker (Engineer's Thumb)

    Thank you, Chuck :)
  9. geekmacdaddy

    Thumbsucker (Engineer's Thumb)

    Thanks Chong! Hope you are faring well.
  10. geekmacdaddy

    Thumbsucker (Engineer's Thumb)

    :) Thanks!
  11. geekmacdaddy

    Thumbsucker (Engineer's Thumb)

    'Nuther fine job by PedalPCB. Love this place.
  12. geekmacdaddy

    M800 (MarsHell)

    Nice JFET JCM thingy. Need to try with my Agile Paul instead of low power tele pickups....
  13. geekmacdaddy

    Photon Vibe

    Try an LT1054 for shits and giggles.
  14. geekmacdaddy

    Photon Vibe

    what charge pump are you using?
  15. geekmacdaddy

    Col. Klink

    Fantastic. What's the name of the board?
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