Recent content by giovanni

  1. giovanni

    Smallbear germanium transistor recommendation for Muffin Factory?

    If you need PNP and are in the US I’m happy to mail them to you. I built a few fuzz factories from GPCB and I have a stash of Ge PNP.
  2. giovanni

    Phat-O-Caster mod: re-voicing Strat bridge pickup for a passive boost

    Yeah I have an S500 with treble and bass control. Still useful sometimes but much more useful on my Reverend with revtron pickups and my Novo with P90s.
  3. giovanni

    Phat-O-Caster mod: re-voicing Strat bridge pickup for a passive boost

    Bass roll off is the most useful control on modern guitars. I have it on 3 out of 5 of mine.
  4. giovanni

    Acrylic drive.

    Did you use the correct values for the caps? What values are the ones in the build?
  5. giovanni

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

    Could it be that when you tighten the board the two legs of the LED end up touching each other and then shorting?
  6. giovanni

    Silicone Topcoat Wire - Exists?

    Is this what you are looking for?
  7. giovanni

    Silicone Topcoat Wire - Exists?

    I thought I had seen some silicone wire from Adafruit, here it is!
  8. giovanni

    Silicone Topcoat Wire - Exists?

    May be a long shot, but have you checked Adafruit?
  9. giovanni

    Acrylic drive.

    What capacitor values are those? I am not aware of ceramics in the uF range and those look tiny.
  10. giovanni

    D&M Drive

    I was wondering if there were any updates on this?
  11. giovanni

    Current Lover Flanger distortion with hot pickups - remedy?

    But then one needs to make up the gain no? An easier option would be the guitar volume at that point.
  12. giovanni

    SOLVED LED always lit if input or output jacks are touching the enclosure

    The solder joints look good to me. If this is consistent the short must be very obvious. Do you have a metal bezel touching some traces or something like that? I had that problem once.
  13. giovanni

    Fuzz Face Clone

    Iirc that would let a bit more bass through?
  14. giovanni

    Schematic/Wiring for A/B + C Loop Switcher?

    I don’t have a way to draw a diagram at the moment. You basically keep the A/B switch the same, but the two green wires would both go to the top left and right pins on the master bypass switch. The middle left and right pins of the master bypass go to in and out and the bottom two are connected...
  15. giovanni

    Schematic/Wiring for A/B + C Loop Switcher?

    Do you want to get rid of the C loop?