Recent content by Jer

  1. J

    Pedal PCB Phase II not working! Any input is appreciated

    @ lightbright Did you get yours working? I had a very similar issue which turned out to be the TL 22 in IC 6. On a whim i swapped the TL 22’s in IC 6 and IC 1 around. That got the light pulsating but with no phase affect. That told me the TL 22 originally in IC 6 was as faulty. I...
  2. J

    Pedal PCB Phase II not working! Any input is appreciated

    @ lightbright Did you get yours working? I had a very similar issue which turned out to be the TL 22 in IC 6. On a whim i swapped the TL 22’s in IC 6 and IC 1 around. That got the light pulsating but with no phase affect. That told me the TL 22 originally in IC 6 was as faulty. I...
  3. J

    Phase 2 - LDR’s - Photoresistors

    The abridged version of the solution: one Crappy TL 72. (It was a war to figure out and i mostly got lucky) Gentleman, i dont think this thing working is just a phase. We got it. Appreciate your support, your clues got me looking at the circuit diagram and using my brain. I usually just...
  4. J

    Phase 2 - LDR’s - Photoresistors

    Is that 1k marked “102”? I understand the LDR’s will function differently in the dark but will the light also act differently? Maybe thats where i am going wrong. I thought i should be able to observe the pulsating with lid off but that LDR’s would only pick it up when its closed.
  5. J

    Pedal PCB Phase II not working! Any input is appreciated

    Hey, thanks. Yes i think i used a green light to sync with the LDR’s. They seem to react to the light and it “colours” the tone its just not pulsating. I did try it with the lid on but I figure the light should pulsate open or closed. Fingers crossed someone has good advice.
  6. J

    Pedal PCB Phase II not working! Any input is appreciated

    I seem to be having the same problem. Everything works its just not oscillating. I tried subbing in LT1054 i happened to have and its the same result. Anyone have any suggestions here? I had to sub photo resistors and switched to a green light to match. I dont think the colour of the...
  7. J

    Phase 2 - LDR’s - Photoresistors

    Well folks. I have an issue but i dont think its related to my original questions. I believe the inside light is supposed to be oscillating and it’s not. I can adjust the brightness from off to full brightness with the trim pots. I have got power, true bypass (sort of) and sound when the...
  8. J

    Phase 2 - LDR’s - Photoresistors

    @Chuck D. Bones Thank you, good advice on “diffused”. I have green diffused and super bright that weren’t clearly labeled as such that i might have used. Lucky catch for me. Cheers. Stay tuned for results. (It will be awhile)
  9. J

    Phase 2 - LDR’s - Photoresistors

    Thank you and maximum respect to your build page. I’ll report back on how it turns out upon receiving the parts and getting it built.
  10. J

    Phase 2 LDR’s

    Hello pedalpcb community, I would greatly appreciate some insight. I am building the Phase ii. Phase II - Compare to Mu-Tron Phasor II It calls for KE-10720 LDR Photoresitors and a Yellow LD. I ordered all the parts per specifications in the build document but...
  11. J

    Phase 2 - LDR’s - Photoresistors

    Hello pedalpcb community, I would greatly appreciate some insight. I am building the Phase ii. It calls for KE-10720 LDR Photoresitors and a Yellow LD. I ordered all the parts per specifications in the build document but tayda was out of KE-10720...