Recent content by kristopher

  1. kristopher

    Fuzzy Recommendations

    The Carcass plays well with all other fuzzes and drives. It’s touch sensitive. And can sound like a warm fuzzy sweater, that doesn’t smother dynamics. It’s the “cleanest” fuzz I’ve tried. But it can also crush. In the good way. Since building one, 6 months ago, I haven’t taken it off my board...
  2. kristopher

    SPDT Switches - Do you keep the washers? What is the correct way to install them?

    I snap off the tab. And file a little bit. And use the washer if I screw up drilling the hole. …so they end up on most builds with switches.
  3. kristopher

    Fake transistor?

    How does it sound? Have you tried it out in anything ? Maybe it’s just a bad cut, and all the goodness inside is still good.
  4. kristopher

    Crackle Jack in a 1590G

    The builds look great. I love the large jewels. Why did you decide on 1590g’s? Just curious.
  5. kristopher

    Percolation Station

    The Percolator plays well with others. You mentioned the Fuzz Face, and I’ll second that. I’ve been rockin’ a Fuzz Foundry before the Carcass (which is a Percolator variant I believe) and they get along great. Great report.
  6. kristopher

    Refinishing a poly guitar in nitrocellulose

    Also, when I had the guitar all apart, I shielded the body cavity. And a little while later, I upgraded the bridge and pickups. It’s a great guitar that was my main squeeze for years. But I don’t play it much now. It was a great project. I’m glad I did it. And it didn’t cost much more then my...
  7. kristopher

    Refinishing a poly guitar in nitrocellulose

    A set up would help for sure. I have stripped the poly off a Mexican strat. It doesn’t take too long with a heat gun and a putty knife. But then you have to sand the glue that held the poly on. And that took a while. Perhaps an hour or more with a palm sander. When you think it’s all off, run...
  8. kristopher

    Squidward (Hammond 1591-C (Clear Enclosure))

    That’s pretty. Why did you decide to mount the jacks on the face ?
  9. kristopher

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    Check the cable? The output plug end.
  10. kristopher

    The Week on the Breadboard: The Emperor of Tone

    I have not tried it. My friend wanted to know, I believe he wanted to be able to blend the two together. I didn’t mean to distract from the Charge Pump talk.
  11. kristopher

    The Week on the Breadboard: The Emperor of Tone

    Would there be a way of running/switching the two channels to run in parallel? A friend asked a few years back when I built the Paragon Mini for him.
  12. kristopher

    The Week on the Breadboard: The Emperor of Tone

    Can you have one boxed up and in my hands before the new year? Or is there a “waitlist”?? Seriously though. I love these informative posts. Thank you Mr Bones.
  13. kristopher

    What to plug 3pdt hole with? Im adding second footswitch to a pedal

    I’ve used the amp jewel. I had accidentally over drilled the hole, and it was a perfect fit. It was a Propolis, and looked great with just the jewel and the footswitch. If I remember correctly I used a blue jewel and a red led, so it glowed purple. I gave it to a buddy. I’ll look for photos… The...
  14. kristopher

    What does right side of Twill Deluxe do, exactly (Les Lius)?

    Well it looks like I know what I’m doing when I get home. Digging out the Twill that I have in the box of other boards I need to troubleshoot. It’s been in there for a year because I thought one side of the thing wasn’t doing anything.
  15. kristopher

    What strings do you guys use?

    I started on Ernie Ball slinky’s, and stayed with that brand for at least 20years. As I started playing more, I was replacing them often. Like 4 times a year. When they would loose there Twang. A few years ago, I switched to the d’addario XS. They are Magic! I love them. They bend further with...