Recent content by marksescon

  1. marksescon

    NSFW What's up with the buffers in cornish designs?

    I do not know but the answer I received was: “The omissions from the power supply will decrease the headroom, slow down the transient response, and generally be significantly noisier.”
  2. marksescon

    NSFW What's up with the buffers in cornish designs?

    A while back I had traced the Skeptical Buffer and shared the schematic on Reddit, this forum, and my blog. The gentleman from 29 Pedals reached out to me on my Discord and Reddit on Aug. 29, 2023 and did not seem happy (understatement) for tracing the circuit and leaving out the power supply...
  3. marksescon

    Mojotone is selling pedal kits now

    PCB Guitar Mania has been doing this for the past few years albeit not in a kit.
  4. marksescon

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    I took the liberty of creating “a dummy PCB” to show the schematic I created based on the traces on my PCB so that you may corroborate my schematic against the PedalPCB PCB.
  5. marksescon

    DEMO Kintsugi, or a deep dive into deciphering the dynamic sag circuit within the SSBS overdrive.

    Thanks! I felt compelled to share because in all my time spent researching the whole concept of the dynamic sag, I hadn’t found a single person claiming to have managed to get the circuit to work - with the exception of Brian from SSBS. Even Andrew/Tone God who first shared the blueprints (I am...
  6. marksescon

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    I shared the schematic on Reddit and on my social media, and a few other users confirmed that the schematic is correct and matches the (Skeptical Buffer) PCB. I think the confusion arises because people are negating that the op amp is being supplied +17V/-17V, so they believe the op amp isn’t...
  7. marksescon

    DEMO Kintsugi, or a deep dive into deciphering the dynamic sag circuit within the SSBS overdrive.

    Summary I spent the past few months figuring out the dynamic sag portion of the Smallsound/Bigsound (SSBS) Fuck Overdrive and stuck it into "a Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop + SSBS Mini"-hybrid drive. The companion effect - an envelope-controlled voltage starve circuit - mimics a dying tube...
  8. marksescon

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    I breadboarded the two schematics (Skeptical Buffer and my best guess at the Eunuch Buffer) and soldered up the Skeptical Buffer - and all circuits worked. The breadboarded Skeptical Buffer sounded similar to the PedalPCB board and the Eunuch sounded like the Skeptical Buffer with less headroom...
  9. marksescon

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    You are right, as the Eunuch product page denotes a range from 9V to 30V. I will correct my original post. Running Eunuch at higher voltages to match the headroom of the Skeptical is a wild proposal that I haven’t substantiated. I am not entirely sure it’s true, just a suggestion I based on...
  10. marksescon

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    That threw me off initially as well, but according to a couple other builders (Breakfast Audio, Niche Devices), TL072 (dual op amp) runs on +17V/-17V, meaning ground, or better stated, “0V,” is half the op amp supply. If you think about the power supply as potential and absolute numbers, it...
  11. marksescon

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    While there is no official one posted from PedalPCB, I did attempt to trace the PCB (PCB568). I first posted this on 6/26/2023. I have revised my post and the schematic on 6/28/2023. I applied some information I recalled about producing a bipolar voltage supply from Tagboard Effects in order...
  12. marksescon

    Dying battery simulator (variable voltage pedal) aka JHS Volture

    Admittedly, anything less than 4.5V is unusable. You can play around with the values to approximate a better range. For example, the Truetone power supply has a sag feature that’s 4V-9V. Cool fact: RG, who wrote about the battery sag circuit with a voltage regulator, actually works for Truetone.
  13. marksescon

    Dying battery simulator (variable voltage pedal) aka JHS Volture

    I will try this. I’ve also tried GitHub but the Gerber files (zips) downloaded from GitHub never worked when sent to JLCPCB, OshPark, etc. If I emailed those same zip files directly to people, the files always worked.
  14. marksescon

    Dying battery simulator (variable voltage pedal) aka JHS Volture

    In Video 1, it’s the quality of LED voltmeter I am using. It can only read a minimum of 3V and requires calibration. It costs $2-3, so my expectations on quality are very low to begin with. I am sure if you use a better voltmeter with better range, you’ll get better read outs. If you refer to...
  15. marksescon

    Dying battery simulator (variable voltage pedal) aka JHS Volture

    If I were to applying this variable voltage control onto a bench top (or into a test box), I’d probably tack it on to the Mad Bean Pedals RoadRage’s 15V output. The LM317 does have a voltage drop of 2-3V, so the 15V will be now be a max 12ishV output, but that’s fine because I don’t know many...