Recent content by mxnhlt

  1. M

    EXAMPLE I made a Terrarium helper class similar to the libDaisy DaisyPod

    To make starting up the Terrarium easier, I modified the libDaisy DaisyPod class to work with this platform. The Pod knobs and switches have been edited to match those on the Terrarium and irrelevant functions like encoder and MIDI support have been removed. Included are the .cpp/.h files that...
  2. M

    FV-1 Dev Board 12MHz crystal not oscillating

    I now have 2 FV1 development boards that don't show any oscillation on the xtal pins of the CH341A. I got them direct from PedalPCB. The second board just has the LDO, the bus controller, and the crystal/caps. The chip is getting 3.3V. Can anyone with a working board tell me if you can see the...
  3. M

    FV-1 Development Board: CH341A 12MHz crystal not oscillating

    Bought this a while back and couldn't get it working, decided to start troubleshooting again. I'm using this crystal: Right now I have the FV-1 oscillator up and running, but nothing...