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    • nate433
      nate433 reacted to DGWVI's post in the thread DEMO super duper UberFuzz with This ROCKS! This ROCKS!.
      It'd be easier to just lift one leg of R14, attach that leg to one lug of the switch. Then, attach the other lug of the switch to the...
    • nate433
      nate433 replied to the thread DEMO super duper UberFuzz.
      Actually I think it would be like this? Lift the negative leg of C8 and left leg of R14, then connect it like this?
      • superfuzz mods.png
    • nate433
      nate433 replied to the thread DEMO super duper UberFuzz.
      Sorry i'm dumb and trying to wrap my head around this. Would this be how you wire the octave kill to a footswitch with an LED?
      • superfuzz mods.png
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