Recent content by STEVE

  1. STEVE

    SOLVED Ocelot Octave Funny Issues

    my ocelot works perfectly but the led wont turn on and im getting fuzz here and there bad pots? this pic was before i added the 68k
  2. STEVE

    SOLVED Neurocyton preamp help!

    i just finished building one of these and i have zero signal when turned on but audio travels through when off, any ideas what the problem could be? all contacts are solder well and clean
  3. STEVE

    Twin face puzzle

    I’m having the exact same issues with my two twin face boards 🤷‍♂️, Npn works sounds fuzzy but flick the switch and nothing happens
  4. STEVE

    Twinface (with VIDEO)

    I’m currently building one of these for a friend and Im new to this stuff, I’m interested in using that bass cut pot mod I was wondering how you wired that with the input and if you use the three pins on the pit