MBQ3904 I.C. Chip

I am trying to get all of my components from the same place but am running into an issue with this part.

The part is needed in the build for the Gerkin Fuzz (Way Huge Swollen Pickle replica) and would be interested in a similar chip. I would be using this pedal on bass so a replacement would be something that is meant more for bass rather than guitar.

Well… the Pickle is based on the MPQ3904, there is no “B” in the chip’s name.

The stock Pickle is already renowned for being bass-friendly, to bassify it further would likely involve changing cap-values and the tone stack, rather than the chip.

Speaking of the chip itself — it’s really just a re-package of four 2N3904 BJT transisters.

If you really needed/wanted to, you could build a Gherkin using the Muffin board and 4 x 2N3904s.

I, too, looked for a different chip to use and all I found that’s a direct drop-in replacement is MPQ2222, a re-package of — you guessed it — four 2N2222 transisters.

So I’ve come up with a goofy plan for an MPQ2222-based (bass’d) Pickle build. 😹

Oh, and alas there isn’t a one-stop shop for pedal building — at least, I’ve never found one.

Hope the above info helped; Good luck with your build!