Moonshot Tremolo Gain


Active member
I've had a mostly working Moonshot Tremolo on my bench for a while now and though 'It Works' with the gain knob at max it is still quieter than unity. This might be normal (?) but seems weird with two op-amps in there. I'm guessing there's some R value I can tweak somewhere or maybe tweak the gain pot to give me more total output? Are there certain resistors I should check? Thanks for the help as always.
The resistance of the LDR will have an effect on the amount of gain.

You could increase the value of R3, or the Gain pot, adjust the distance between the LED/LDR, or swap the LDR for one with resistance.
I think it was the cheap LDR I got, but I ended up swapping the value of R3 for a 330K and that seemed to boost the gain a bunch.

Hi Quirkey,

though it's been some time since your post. Did you manage to get the pedal working nicely? I've got the same low gain problem and I just ordered some new LDRs. I wonder if changing R3 to 330k might result in some distortion problems if you use pedals in front of it that raise the output (e.g. boost or overdrive)?

Best regards,
Hi Quirkey,

though it's been some time since your post. Did you manage to get the pedal working nicely? I've got the same low gain problem and I just ordered some new LDRs. I wonder if changing R3 to 330k might result in some distortion problems if you use pedals in front of it that raise the output (e.g. boost or overdrive)?

Best regards,
I did get this working well but it's not on my board right now. I forget the value that i ended up swapping for but I think it was less than 330K.

Also one thing I remember is to make sure you test with the cover on/in darkness as these LDRs are very effected by ambient light.