Looking for Fordoble Boost + Drive Drill template

This thought has been brought up many times. Youve got the right to buy or not, complaining isnt going to change anything.

Thank being said the bom and drill template are available. Use the search function.
Shouldn't multiple voicing of concerns help a business better support their own decisions? Tell me to shut up about it isn't helpful to anyone. And if this has indeed been a problem for a while I think it should be addressed and if bringing it up over and over helps then this won't be the last time I say something.
Shouldn't multiple voicing of concerns help a business better support their own decisions? Tell me to shut up about it isn't helpful to anyone. And if this has indeed been a problem for a while I think it should be addressed and if bringing it up over and over helps then this won't be the last time I say something.
Point is a lot of us want more projects and are fine with the system. There are vendors that provide the indepth build docs. But they don’t offer near as many PCBs. I’d rather have the pcb choices and worry less about build docs. You’ll also find that with a few exceptions theres a drill template available that matches
The system works:

- The people that want new projects get them, quickly.

- The people that want schematics, build docs and drill templates get them, just a little later than the people who get brand-new spanking fresh projects. There are PLENTY of projects that already have build docs and drill-templates to choose from.

I'm in the latter camp, and admit I felt the same about releasing products before docs are ready — however, since joining the forum and learning the how and why things work here, I have accepted the system as it is. While I may buy the latest greatest PCB, I may have to wait for the schematic, build doc. I do my own measuring for drilling, so I'm not in need of drill-templates but if you saw my drilling you'd wonder why I don't use them.

I'm happy to buy a newly-minted PCB and wait, as I have enough backlog to keep me busy until the docs are doled out — and when the docs do come I have the PCB already in hand and don't have to wait for a new batch of that particular circuit if it has already sold out.

Each Vendor has their own way of doing things, and I like each vendor for different reasons and for their different strengths.

This forum, and its people who are willing to help and share information, is arguably the greatest strength of PedalPCB.
A lot of times they've been posted in the missing build docs thread, you just have to search "insert pcb name + drill"

LMS just started carrying the kee h designs drill jigs ive had one for awhile now and consider it to be my best purchase. PPCB has one too. Theres only been one 125b board i can remember i couldnt do with it (pot and kettle). Saves a tree too