⚠️ Forum Upgrades / Server Transition ⚠️


Staff member
Just a reminder that the server will be undergoing upgrades and transitioning to a new web host over the next few days.

There will likely be periods of downtime while the forum is taken offline for a full backup and transfer.

Since we are switching to a block storage system portions of the forum may be intermittently inaccessible.
OH NOES! IAIGF got wiped in the server upgrade!
Don't ask me to shit on the rug for a quick laugh then get surprised when they throw the rug away. This is why we can't have nice things. You keep asking me to ruin them for your amusement.
Don't ask me to shit on the rug for a quick laugh then get surprised when they throw the rug away. This is why we can't have nice things. You keep asking me to ruin them for your amusement.
Who's sharing their econ homework?