BBE Phoenix Lights phaser


Well-known member
When @blackhatboojum made his ph-1 variant and name it “The Phoenix Lights” I immediately wanted it, (👽’s and phasers? That’s for me!”) of course I had to put my own twist on it, but trying to stay true to to the Arizona roots of the project I went with the slightly more menacing fire in the sky Travis Walton feel (one of my favorite movies from the 90s). The Phoenix Lights is IMO what I wanted the phase90 to be? lower noise floor, a little more refined with depth and rate control.
this slays Rob, and great job Clinton!
It’s great seeing all these build reports lately. On this one, the way the tractor beam lines up with the footswitch and the knobs… very cool placement of the art in relation the hardware. And that textured base color… yes
🙏. It took some manipulation but that was exactly what I was aiming for.
I’d hit that, but I would feel real weird about it.
I wouldn’t 🥴
You crank these pedals out fast! Getting serious X-Files vibes from this one, something tells me you might be a fan?
I build in batches usually somewhere around 5 or 6 at a time, from start to finish it’s takes me about 6 months, the amount of time I actually have to build is pretty limited to be honest. And you are correct loved X-Files as a kid.