Store Feature Request: “Search forum for [product]”


Well-known member
I have a tampermonkey script setup to add on product pages a link for “Search forum for [product title]” and find it super useful.

The search function on the forum isn’t structured like search?query=xyz so it doesn’t go directly to the results but my links will still autofill the search term so all I have to do is click “search.”

My phone doesn’t have it, and I find myself sorely missing it and thought it might be worth suggesting!
This is my tampermonkey script for whatever it's worth to anyone by the way, updated w/ Rob's workaround to actually go to the search results

// @match        http*://*
// @require
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var $ = window.jQuery;

        $( "h1.product-title.product_title.entry-title" ).after( "<p>Search PedalPCB Forum for <a href='" + $("h1.product-title.product_title.entry-title").text() + "'>" + $("h1.product-title.product_title.entry-title").text() + "</a></p>" );
