Hello All New Member, and noob at DIY Pedal Building
I am trying to build a Blue Breaker Mod for a friend, unfortunately, I do not have a lot of time left due to bad health
I have been working on this design for about a week now, and I want to call it the Big Balls Breaker, after the AC/DC song
All the parts have not arrived yet so I have not been able to breadboard it yet, I have been learning from the Brian Wampler course
https://www.guitarpedalcourse.com is an amazing course for beginners like me.
Between the course and YouTube videos and forums, I have developed a schematic that I think will work.
The Mods: JFET Boost into the Gain with on/on/on switch to toggle between gain, Tone Stack, Treble and Bass, second op-amp and 2-way switch for mono/stereo, and 3 sets of Diodes, Genuine MA859 (can't believe I got them) 1N4148 and BAT41 with an on/on/on toggle switch.
According to my latest MRI, I am demented so please check my schematic for errors, there are bound to be a few.
Please do point out any errors you see. Any recommendations for different resistors or capacitors are always welcome. I will try them all when I breadboard it.
I would love to create a PCB, I have done the schematic in easyEDA and I have put a PCB together and deleted it about 100 times while I have been working on this pedal, I need to make sure the schematic is correct before I create a PCB for the pedal.
Any help with this project is more than welcome and very much appreciated.
Thank you