Recommended components for JLCPCB assembly process...


Well-known member
TLDR version: First time getting trying JLCPCB's assembly service ...
1N4148 in SOD123 size
0805 125mW resistors
0603 50v MLCC caps
SOIC-8 TL072

Will be ok? Anything I should know for SMD layout that I don't know yet?!
Large 1m resistor, power diode, film and electrolytic caps, pots and switches will be through hole

Longer version: I have a small pedalboard, There's a pedal I want to make, PedalPCB's version is too big, and Fuzzdog's version has the sin of sidekicks - so playing with the idea of designing my own board (not my first time doing this) and going for a tiny Gorva M45 with top jacks.

Version one of the layout was all through hole and looked like Manhattan with everything stood up but then I had the thought that I could try the JLCPCB assembly service. I have googled, I have searched and read this forum, reddit and wherever and read up on things to avoid in SMD component choices *think* the sizes I'm using will be fine.

Any help or advice gratefully received!
actually ignore me - I actually think buying the musikding kit works out a similar cost for a lot less work. If I was making a small batch it would be the way to go I think.
what you thinking of making? My boards are now somewhere in the UK so imagine they will come in next day or so

Well, I'm not interested in covering ground that's already been trod upon time & a gain — so no delays or 808s!

Actually, that's a lie. I've no interest in rehashing YATS, but ... wait for it...

...A short delay... in the running...

Slapback Idea
I'm interested in putting together a small Slap Back delay that I had started to develop, was trying to choose between bucket-brigade and PT2399 or ? (was leaning on basing it on VFE's Blueprint) — then found out some other body had already done gone did that backslapper with a PT2399 — HOweVAH... ED made it inverting for no good reason :cautious: when non-inverting would be a matter of two more resistors and maybe a cap... AND chose a SPDT for small / large / medium :confused:, whereas I'd rather spend a few cents more and have DPDT for small / medium / large.

Thinkering ...

Today: Heathkit TA-17 Bass Preamp — just came across this, today. (oh, and an Ibanez onboard preamp-EQ dealio, too)

Yesterday: a multitude of circuits*

Tomorrow: clean undies and mind, as I'll change both again and who knows what will capture my...


*FFFX old ideas that need resurrection, correction and completion:

There's also ...
a comp idea I've been toying with​
YAFFy—Taffy thingy​
Guv-Muff Mashup​
Phaser & bandpass filter freq-out​

Plus a few other ideas yet still in germination.

The difficult part will be to zero in on ONE circuit and bring it through to completion; My scatterbrain tends to hop back & forth between ideas.

Yup, 2025, going to pop my PCB-cherry.
Oh, and BTW, thanks for the encouragement @Nostradoomus!
I’ve only just twigged your profile pic and username is the same as that guy on talkbass! :)

My pcb not even arrived, may be a complete failure but I’ve been looking at my aion L4 preamp (made that one yet?) and trying to work out how I could shrink it and mod it slightly (ch1 eq closer to fender specs, double the drive/harmonics section so each Channel has one and have a master for each after drive, maybe effects loop but I don’t actually think I need that )

Daft really.

I have one board, a voodoo labs small-ex. I have a kinda rule that that’s all I have and anything not used gets sold off. The exception is things I make myself, but I try not to make too much stuff.
I had half a thought to get a DemonFX call76 and tone mallet and stick them in the same enclosure - but I don’t think I would use it!