You can use it but turning the pot all the way counter clockwise will have less range than a pot closer to 50K. For the opposite case - all the way clockwise - it doesn't matter. 100K will technically work but may not sound right.
What resistors have you got that you could solder together in series that gets you close to 100k?
Calc it out here. You could solder a couple of smaller value resistors together and then bridge that over the 100k-pot's 1&3...
Don't forget, the resistor across the pot-lugs trick does change the taper; I read that in The Secret Life of Pots, IIRC.
I make those suggestions, but I've got a few builds on standby where I'm missing ONE resistor (390k, why is it always 390k?);
even though I had some 1/8w, I'm loath to use them (or stand a 1/4w when the layout calls for 1/8), but now I've run out of 1/8w 390k too...