VFE Woodchipper


Well-known member
This was part of the VFE group buy, that I only got into because the amazing @cwsquared offered the smd pre-soldering. Thanks again, for all the work you put into that!!!!!!

With the smd chip already soldered, this build still took me out of my comfort zone, because of the whole soft switching thing. It took me a while to figure out what components I'd need for the PCB with the in/out jacks. I gave up on finding a fitting slide switch for the buffered/true bypass option, so I just wired that off board. Funny enough the buffered bypass doesn't work, but I don't care. Also, I drill by hand and getting things to fit was a challenge.

The pedal sounds really great. There is almost too much bass available, I love that. I'm pretty sure the knobs labelling is messed up, but again, I don't really care, I'm just glad it works and gives me different cool sounds when I turn those knobs.

Something Fargo for graphics, of course.


With topjacks no less on a VFE-based pedal designed for sidejacks...

Fargo ref IS obligatory, great movie.

Great pedal.