Well-known member
Here is my post transferred from general questions forum. This began because I wasn't detecting any noticeable effect, and now I am looking for probable causes to fix this:
Was testing [Median compressor] last night with the blend all the way CW, and a big crackle storm with jumps in volume started up in the pedal. I've seen this before in my builds, in a Deofol with SMD J201s--it was a poor SMD solder joint/connection issue. I am starting to really detest SMDs, as apparently I can't solder them worth a shite.
[During] the crackle bursts, when output was higher, I could hear what sounded like the compression working. So it sounds like a partial SMD connection is disabling part of the board. My money is on the 5457s, as the 1678s went onto the breakout boards like butter. Now I just have to find out which of the 38 different SMD solder points is faulty and remedy that without messing up SMD legs or lifting traces.
If I'm understanding/interpreting correctly and correlating with electrosmash's analysis of the MXR Dyna-comp, the two transistors are involved in the envelope detector block (?) So if I am having crackles and on/off compression effect, it could be here, or in IC3 which also looks to be part of the envelope detector, or IC2, which looks like the OTA amplifier. IC 1 and 4 look unrelated to the actual effect implementation other than being buffers/final stage amplifiers (?)
Was testing [Median compressor] last night with the blend all the way CW, and a big crackle storm with jumps in volume started up in the pedal. I've seen this before in my builds, in a Deofol with SMD J201s--it was a poor SMD solder joint/connection issue. I am starting to really detest SMDs, as apparently I can't solder them worth a shite.
[During] the crackle bursts, when output was higher, I could hear what sounded like the compression working. So it sounds like a partial SMD connection is disabling part of the board. My money is on the 5457s, as the 1678s went onto the breakout boards like butter. Now I just have to find out which of the 38 different SMD solder points is faulty and remedy that without messing up SMD legs or lifting traces.

If I'm understanding/interpreting correctly and correlating with electrosmash's analysis of the MXR Dyna-comp, the two transistors are involved in the envelope detector block (?) So if I am having crackles and on/off compression effect, it could be here, or in IC3 which also looks to be part of the envelope detector, or IC2, which looks like the OTA amplifier. IC 1 and 4 look unrelated to the actual effect implementation other than being buffers/final stage amplifiers (?)