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  1. t1redhands

    Anyone using a Brother to etch?(Monochrome printer)

    Yep - I've gotten better toner transfer results after running the enclosure on a turned-over belt sander to flatten out the convexity. I also use a tapered rolling pin to very carefully press the paper onto the enclosure after getting it ripping hot with the iron. Gotta push it straight down so...
  2. t1redhands

    What would you consider a "long enough" delay time for most practical purposes?

    In the Benson delay, how much do you think the compander is contributing to the clarity of long delay times? Or is it just giving "analog color" to a standard PT2399 circuit?
  3. t1redhands

    Harmonic Percolator (with some mods)

    Excellent stuff! Very ingenious method of maintaining volume when selecting clipping diodes - I'm going to have to try that out on a couple different builds as that's a major pet peeve of mine. How curious that the octave down effect gets dialed in with Q2's feedback resistor! When I was...
  4. t1redhands

    Chua's Diode - Chaos Distortion Circuit

    That'd be rad. Or their One Shot event generator could be fun on bass for synthy sounds. Lanterman's demo didn't show how it reacts to more complex strummed chords, I wonder if it would glitch out like an octave fuzz.
  5. t1redhands

    Chua's Diode - Chaos Distortion Circuit

    I saw that on Lanterman's YouTube channel, it looks (and sounds!) very interesting. I'm thinking I'd want some modulation in the "distortion" parameter as it contributes a lot to the waveshape at different settings. Maybe driven by an envelope?
  6. t1redhands

    This Week on the Breadboard: The Spunk-O-Matic

    In all of my experimentation with the HP circuit I have never thought to try a MOSFET for Q2. BRB gonna breadboard this...
  7. t1redhands

    Eagle vs Kicad

    I'm super bummed that Eagle is going obsolete. I even bought a Windows PC to run it. At this point I'm too busy to stumble around learning and failing at a new system so I'm putting off making a switch. I was planning on EasyEDA but with reports of JLCPCB recently being inaccurate I'll probably...
  8. t1redhands

    Low Gain Silicon Transistors

    I LOVE using low-HFE transistors in a Big Muff. It gets the thick wall of doom sound I'm a sucker for as well as actually usable low gain tones. Try giving it only 5V. The KT*** silicon transistors make great partners with the plentiful low-gain Soviet germanium PNPs for Sziklai pairs.
  9. t1redhands

    Twill Deluxe (Les Lius) to High Power Tweed Twin

    To bypass the footswitch in the "boost" position you'd connect 1 to 2. It looks like 3 and 4 are used to turn on the LED in boost mode. Compare the back half of the Twill Deluxe to the Distortion 250: On the Distortion 250, R4 and C5 make a low-pass filter, rolling off the highs above...
  10. t1redhands

    SOLVED Switch popping and noise galore with Bootleg and Glory Hole

    I've made a couple Moonshines on stripboard a while ago that both pop really badly. I'll have to revisit them with and see if Mr Black's tips help any.
  11. t1redhands

    Twill Deluxe (Les Lius) to High Power Tweed Twin

    The tone switch on the HPTT probably switches out capacitors in a low-pass RC circuit. You know, you could probably reuse the "voice" toggle and the diode spots on the Twill board to recreate this. If you tie a 10K resistor in series with C2 and put a 15nF capacitor in either D3 or D4, and a...
  12. t1redhands

    Twill Deluxe (Les Lius) to High Power Tweed Twin

    I'm not sure about the tone toggle off the top of my head. Regarding the clipping switch, here's Lovepedal's description of how it works: So you'll want to find out which clipping diodes are the High Power Twin setting and set it there (I suspect it's just the pair of silicon diodes). Also...
  13. t1redhands

    Who Else Is Using the 'SpinCAD Designer' App?

    I need to get back into it. I have a bunch of extra PCBs from an old project where I made a version of the VHS (JHS VCR) but with a Golden Fleece for gain (not a clean boost), tremolo instead of chorus, and an extra spacey reverb. I'm hoping to swap the reverb for a phaser to pair with the...
  14. t1redhands

    Best projects for doom metal?

    I recently built a stock Bee Baa and was amazed at how well it sounded on a low-tuned guitar. It seems a fairly niche circuit so I'm not sure how many variations there are available as a PCB, but there are a few stripboard layouts going around:
  15. t1redhands

    Turn your input buffer (OPAMP) into a (frequency adjustable) boost for 3$

    Excellent stuff! I'm going to put one of these into a guitar. Thanks!
  16. t1redhands

    Digital BBD concept looking for comments and beta testers

    I would LOVE to help test this! Thanks!
  17. t1redhands

    What is your favorite "Big Muff" circuit, and why?

    I really like the OG Version 1 66#5 as it's super creamy, kinda low-gain, and really nails the stoner metal experience. Also a huge fan of the Jordan Creator Model 6000. It's much more of a distortion than fuzz, very cutting, and excellent for a classic rock, high gain tone. Definitely needs the...
  18. t1redhands

    LND150 SHO variant (LND 'HO)

    This is really neat! Any chance of some sound demos? I've tried my hand at swapping an LND150 stage into different things with varying results. Most of the time it's rad, but occasionally I'll get some unwanted harsh clipping or fizz. I'll have to try this schem out!
  19. t1redhands

    Rat with a 3-band EQ?

    If you're into stripboard at all I'd trust this one: ProCo / Fuzzdog 3-Band Rat
  20. t1redhands

    Favorite Big muff variant?

    2nd vote for the Triangle 69 #2. Also a huge fan of the Jordan Creator 6000.