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    clean Schematic for a Noisy Synth

    Hello Diy,ers i just open up a noise sinthy box from a friend and i would like to do some pcb of it and not in messy veroboards with all pots wired off board...... so i did a copy of the layout in DIYLC and i would really appreciate some help to draw an schematic of it as im still not skilled...
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    Abominable Electronics trace?

    Sure thing.... maybe via email?
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    Abominable Electronics trace?

    Haha yeah!! I've just notice that!!....But the BOM doesn't include the pot value for the Blend........ well, with a schematic we could remove the blend part easily i guess
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    Abominable Electronics trace?

    Is a 2 side pcb.. and this one doesn't have the blend control
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    Abominable Electronics trace?

    Does anyone here interested to trace it and get us a nice schematic of this god botherer for the d.i.y world? For what i found online... Seems to be a Big Muff with Creamy Dreamer mod into a Phase 90 I can post better pics and BOM
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    Parentheses Fuzz

    Hey! Thanks a lot for your detailed answer, appreciate it! I just saw some vids about the eqd life, last version and saw that exp new feature, so i thought the parenthesis fuzz got even an update, since it seem an easy mod ( even tho i dont know how technically works, to be honest) But hey if...
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    Parentheses Fuzz

    Hello! i was just curious, if you eventually fix the EXP wiring on your build and got working properly? im thinking on upgrading my one. thanks a lot
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    What the heck is going on with PedalPCB?!

    Nothing more important than your beloved ones! Hope everything works fine and turn around the bright side! 🙏
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    VFE pedals Rocket eq/boost request

    Thanks a lot I have seen that after i got the rocket for 4 bucks....anyways i just support the guys also with the founds! Seemed like a great way to say thanks also for the fair availability for their remarkable work in the pedal game
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    VFE pedals Rocket eq/boost request

    Thanks a lot Im a dumbass... I haven't seen that option... Only option i saw it was to get the whole bundle for 40 bucks or so.... Anyways. Thanks a lot for the help
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    VFE pedals Rocket eq/boost request

    Hello folks.. a friend of mine asked me to build this Vfe Rocket pedal for him... And I couldn't find any schematic around.... Since i know there was a time, one can download schematics on their site a while ago, i came here to ask if someone have this specific one to share with me? Thanks in...
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    BIAS issue, not sure what to do

    I know is an old thread.. but i just build one Mofeta and i cant get below 11.2V for bias... Im also confused why people talk about 4.5V for bias and others 9V.... Since it has a charge pump to 18v it supposed to be biased on the half ( roughly) which is 9V i suppose... Please help and...
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    Mini Rotary Switch SR16211 Eagle Library

    Hello folks im wrapping my head over a PCB design that it need a Rotary Switch ( like the one you can find on the PedalPCB Parentheses Fuzz SR16211 (2P4T Mini Rotary Switch) and i dont wanna draw it from scratch. does somebodu here happen to have the file and its keen to share it with me...
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    HELP! Diptrace - First try at PCB layout

    Hey.. im searching also for a mini rotary switch library... Would you mind to share with me your file? Thanks in advance