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  1. D

    Electrovibe first build that wasn't a kit

    Grats! You did it, it works! That's the main thing. Not an easy first build. One down, perhaps many more to go? Maybe try a dirt or boost next?
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    DEMO Lectric-FX DC Echo (EHX Echo 600)

    Super Jelly! I've been looking at building one of those.
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    BYOC Chorus Rate LED Stop strobing

    NM, figured it out
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    DEMO Tough Nut Delay (Ibanez AD9)

    thats sounds great, very smooth, lush. Do you sell the pedals or pcbs? That is something I would love to build!
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    Why would anybody

    If you build it, they will come... ...and buy it. Interesting! I'd like to build something in that but not for that price
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    Any PPCB or other Boss DD-3 (digital delay) clones?

    What about an Ibanez EM5 clone? I built an aion elysium, which is now a full kit. I also have a vector delay (Mad Prof deep sea blue clone) that uses a pt2399. The elysium uses a M65831AP, sounds a lil warmer than the pt2399 vector. Mines calibrated for 800ms. There are demos of both on their...
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    Cordyceps Ring Modulator Build Doc?

    Cordyceps Ring Modulator Build Doc available? Very Interested in this circuit!
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    Trying to decide which amp to build next...

    One 5E3 mod is tone as treble and mic input as bass, could use the 5f4 super EQ
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    Trying to decide which amp to build next...

    Both are great amps. 5E3 a lil rounder sounds like it breathes more, part of it's charm is no NFB loop, so its a bit raw-er. 18W a bit tighter. Rough estimate on tones. Speakers and cabs can make a big difference. If it were me I would build the 5E3 combo first, less parts easier build get a...
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    SOLVED Electric Lover Flanger (Electric Mistress clone from PCBGuitarmania)

    I stopped buying from PCB guitar mania after finding open (or missing?) traces on the last two projects I built. I had to jumper them to get them to work. I was wondering if I had blown a trace on the last project, so ordered a second pcb on sale. The new pcb had a missing trace. YMMV
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    Electrovibe Troubleshooting: Grounding issue?

    Did you audio probe the first board? Check R43 , looks like a 4k7 instead of a 47k, also R12 might be a 1M instead of 2M2
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    Diode Circuit

    It's from the output of aion's gibson L5 clean channel preamp. Was thinking of building one and curious about those diodes
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    Diode Circuit

    Whats the purpose of diodes in this configuration?
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    What's your favorite tremolo pedal circuit?

    I really like my aion luna, 4ms Tremulus Lune clone. I keep looking at other tremolos, but this does everything I want.
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    Capacitor Sourcing in 2024

    I buy most of mine from digikey and mouser. Kemet, Wima, Panasonic, Vishay, Wurth, cornell-illinois Tayda can be hit n miss.
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    Electrovibe: No Signal

    I would start by audio probing the base of Q6, see if the signal gets in that far. If it does, move up to base of Q9 and SW-1, if it doesn't, base of Q5 then Q15
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    General question on op-amp output resistors

    R19 also an output impedance to help signal transfer to whatever it plugs into General rule of thumb: High input impedance, low output impedance.
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    Acrylic Overdrive Build Report

    Love the graphics
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    Neurotron (Lovetone Ring Stinger) and Xenotron (Lovetone ? Flanger)

    I'm looking at building the xenotron and nuerotron as well, fun circuits! Great graphics!
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    Help me decide which compressor to build…

    I like the aion version of the engineer's thumb. Quiet, works well, not hard to use. Not the absolute best, but it works.