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  1. DailyDovetails

    Headless guitar build

    I took a little break from pedal building and this is what I made instead. It is from a kit but I ended up making a bunch of changes before I was happy with it. I recut the top of the headstock to get rid of the nut, carved a larger body contour on the rear, an arm contour on the front, a...
  2. DailyDovetails

    Aion Fx L5 pre w/ XLR out?

    Not sure if you saw this but I just happened to come across it and thought it might be of interest to you. Looks like it would be easy to try.
  3. DailyDovetails

    DEMO Peachtree overdrive

    Awesome! Good to see you keeping at it. Seems like you have done a fair number of pedals pretty quick.
  4. DailyDovetails

    Seabed Delay - signal above unity

    That would work. You could use a trimmer also. Then just enter the 2 values into the link and it should give you a good idea of the resistor value to put there.
  5. DailyDovetails

    Aion Meridian guitar to bass switch

    Thank you for sharing your notes. I hadn’t thought about the sustain mod but that might be worth adding. Funny we came up with a similar idea on this one. The burning question tho. What are you doing with C17/C23? The dead end board looks neat I wasn’t aware of it. Maybe one day we can get...
  6. DailyDovetails

    Seabed Delay - signal above unity

    I tried mine and I actually also thought it got slightly louder when turned on but not enough to bother me. It does seem like adjusting R5 if there is a difference might be an easy fix tho. I think you could try putting values in there in parallel until you find one that works...
  7. DailyDovetails

    Aion Meridian guitar to bass switch

    I was thinking for the resistors installing them as the bass version which should just slightly adjust the gain. I’m not 100% sure what the difference in values for C10 and C11 do. If it’s significant I’m seeing possibly 1 switch there. Then C16 and C17/C23 will affect the range of the...
  8. DailyDovetails

    Aion Meridian guitar to bass switch

    I’m wondering if I should just do the switch for the caps on C16 and C17 then. I think I might like the option for the flatter EQ. If the rest ends up being a little bass heavy I think I have a few places I can trim it out.
  9. DailyDovetails

    Steggo's Take on the Harmonic Percolator! (Edit - Now With Albini Mod!)

    Thank you for sharing that I will check that out. Hopefully my personal lack of direction following doesn’t get in the way but it seems like it has worked out well for you.
  10. DailyDovetails

    Steggo's Take on the Harmonic Percolator! (Edit - Now With Albini Mod!)

    I had a Barge Concepts BP-1 anyone know if it was a standard or Albini? Your work looks awesome! Did you enjoy the process of learning EasyEDA? I have been thinking of trying to learn board design. Maybe starting with the 3pdt boards.
  11. DailyDovetails

    SOLVED Octa Mayer without much Octa

    That one came out nice! Always a good feeling when they fire up on the first try also. I don't know a ton about this pedal. I'm guessing you want it somewhere early in your chain either first or second probably with a distortion or fuzz being the other first or second pedal. Try it on the...
  12. DailyDovetails

    Workflow for building a big batch all at once

    I go resistors, caps, diodes, IC sockets, transistors, any other oddball thing, switches, pots, Indicator LED, then any wiring. If there are SMD components I always do those first. I keep every board in its own little cardboard box and do everything I can with the parts I have on hand. Then I...
  13. DailyDovetails

    Workflow for building a big batch all at once

    I had always snipped after I soldered but I tried this yesterday and it seemed to work well. I'm going to explore it a bit more. It was nice to not have to maneuver the iron around all the leads and I'm guessing without having to heat up the extra mass from leads it might be a little easier to...
  14. DailyDovetails

    Crunch Captain Presence overwhelming

    That's interesting. I thought C8 would interact more on the tone control and C9 on the presence. I wasn't 100% sure how the voltage divider for presence worked with C9 there. I looked at a few schematics but couldn't see a lot of continuity on how the presence controls were arranged. I guess...
  15. DailyDovetails

    Aion Meridian guitar to bass switch

    I'm building an Aion Meridian as one of my next builds. I'm thinking about adding some switches to make some of the settings switchable. My thoughts on mods are Install R8 and R17 to the bass spec. R8 will just adjust the range of the sustain pot and R17 appears to add a slight bit more...
  16. DailyDovetails

    Digital Delay Recommendations?

    If it’s to buy and not build I think the Line 6 DL4 is pretty sweet. It sounds good, can do stereo, has no menu diving(but you should read the manual), is cheap and configurable. The down sides are that is pretty large(does have rear jacks), and that I found the reverbs hard to remember the...
  17. DailyDovetails

    Infinidrive Filter Switch

    Hmm my thought would be to look at C3, C4 or R9. I think it’s a low pass filter so it should bleed off some of the highs. Do you have a picture?
  18. DailyDovetails

    Crunch Captain Presence overwhelming

    I would a larger value capacitor at C9. You could just alligator clip one in parallel to find a value you like. I would try putting a 10NF in parallel and if that goes too far try a 6.8, 4.7 ect until you find the value you like. Then install the closest cap value you have in that spot. Caps...
  19. DailyDovetails

    Aion Fx L5 pre w/ XLR out?

    The one I have is an older one but you can set it to different gain ranges. Not sure if it’s mic or instrument, it goes direct to monitors. I had an interface in the past that would do instrument level for 1/4 connections and line level for XLR. I’m thinking there are probably newer mixers...
  20. DailyDovetails

    Open source Gerber projects

    I'm planning on doing a few open source projects from Gerber files, PassinWind's preamp and Szukalsi's Blue Sheep and Core shaper, and it got me wondering. What is...