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  1. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Refreshing thread, I still haven't had a 'eureaka' moment!
  2. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Just did a continuity run through between socket pins and where they should be connecting, all is good. I’m really stumped here
  3. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Alright just had a go through everything, nothing conclusive to me. Here's the results: -IC2's pin 4 definitely has ground connection. -Reflowed everything, then check all pins on my IC sockets with a multimeter for continuity to make sure there wasn't a connection between adjacent pins...
  4. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    I’ve tried swapping them around, same deal. I’ll try omitting the charge pump (tried two different ones) and bridging to see if at 9v it still heats. If that’s still going on I’ll try reflowing all my sockets
  5. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    17 and a bit
  6. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Yes, put a blob of solder over this
  7. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    They’re fine, getting signal through true bypass, and when engaged the knobs do have an effect on the squeal, ie can turn it down, distort it, and change the tone of it
  8. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    It’s got a bumper, and while testing out of the box I made sure to have it bend away from the board
  9. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Hey guys. Had some trouble with the informant. First it worked out of box, then didn’t once in box, then it did, then I’d get oscillation from the voltage doubler, then ONLY that sound + IC2 is heating up. All of this out of box now mind you. I’m kinda running out of ideas and getting tired of...
  10. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant voltage request

    Hey guys, switched out the charge pump and no dice, still the same problem. I took a video of what’s happening, in case the symptom speaks to anyone
  11. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant voltage request

    The board’s clean, just went over all of it, making sure there are no stray strands of wire etc. Reflowed most of the joints etc. I’ll get some pics up if nothing comes out of the voltages. I get input fine until I hit ic1, so pretty early. It’s from then on a mix of input signal and squealing...
  12. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant voltage request

    Hey gang, I’m getting a pretty weird squeal coming from my informant build, be it engaged or not (using the buffered output option) Have put the solder bead as instructed in regardes to the charge pump. I’m probing slowly but surely but once I start hitting the tl072s I get the squeal. I was...
  13. ElReverendoRyan

    Low tide help?

    Hey did you ever sort this out? I have the same symptoms as you, effect when moving the depth back and forth but as soon as I stop it’s normal signal, lpg knob doesn’t seem to affect anything despite playing around with the trim
  14. ElReverendoRyan

    SOLVED Low tide modulator issues

    That was it. I tried an 2sk30 instead of the j201 and made sure the pinouts worked against the schematic and it came to life. Modulation is very subtle, i think i have it biased as good as it will get, and i think that's due to the dodgy bbd. It's socketed so when the real one comes in it'll...
  15. ElReverendoRyan

    SOLVED Low tide modulator issues

    What do you make of my original message? I start getting that distored signal at Q1
  16. ElReverendoRyan

    SOLVED Low tide modulator issues

    Alright, had a look over, i had an inverted tip/sleeve thing going on with my output jack, now bypass works fine, when engaged i have a very faint distored signal like what was described. Gate trim works in that it can cut this signal completely. BBD trim seems to have some effect on it too. I...
  17. ElReverendoRyan

    SOLVED Low tide modulator issues

    Hey gang, first time poster here, and first issue I’ve run into like this. I’m building a low tide, and I’m not getting sound be it bypassed or not. Led lights up just fine. Not yet taken voltages as a prefer to do an audio proble first. I’m running into trouble at the buffer stage. Didn’t...