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  1. J

    Son of Ben Preamp for Bass

    Just wanted to post this for anyone looking to build a Son of Ben for bass: For use with bass: I ended up switching out C1 and C2 for a 150n cap and C6 and C8 for 330n (what I had on hand, though I think anything 100n and above would have been fine). That really opened up the pedal and makes...
  2. J

    Son of Ben as dedicated HPF/LPF pedal?

    Hey all, Have been really wanting to get the Broughton HPF + LPF as my Q/strip HPF/LPF is not adjustable. But, realized that my Son of Ben has a HPF/LPF for the tone stack. Does anyone know enough about the Son of Ben to know if the filters there are comparable to a dedicated HPF/LPF like the...
  3. J

    Son of Ben: let more bass through?

    I built the SOB a year ago, but it's just not getting a lot of use on my bass board as it cuts too much bass frequency. Would changing C1 to 1UF be enough? It's currently 100n. EDIT: I ended up switching out C6 and C8 for 330n (what I...
  4. J

    Ungula Fuzz for Bass Guitar

    I've been on a bit of a muff quest the past few months with bass and have finally figured a few things out. I recently socketed a lot of components and built an "ultimate" muff that works pretty well as a dirty boost, slight overdrive, and fuzz. I call it the Gold Muff. I realized, thought, that...
  5. J

    Modding Greengage for better bass/bass guitar?

    Has anyone done this? It sounds "fine" but has some low end loss that could be fixed. JohnK over on talkbass said that it's just 2 caps and a resistor... but that's an old thread and he may not respond to a query on what caps to change. Any thoughts? Is it just C1 and C6?
  6. J

    Son of Ben: no volume when gain is down. Normal?

    Just built a son of ben and it sounds very good. I did notice that when the drive is all the way down, it cuts the volume. Is that normal? Also, I adjusted Q1 to 5.1 V / and Q 2 and 3 adjusted to 4 V each.
  7. J

    Simulcast/Son of Ben combo? Anyone done it?

    Has anyone put these two circuits in the same box? Are they too similar for it to make sense? Or are they different and complimentary enough?
  8. J

    Anyone have a Son of Ben board? Pop'd or bare?

    Does anyone have an extra Son of Ben board... out at the store and looking for one for a build. Pop'd or not... doesn't matter.