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  1. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    I've been meaning to update this for a while. I ended up just starting over and the second one worked like a charm straight out of the gate. I had to remove and replace a bunch of things with the first build and I'm pretty convinced that I damaged a trace or a solder pad somewhere along the way...
  2. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Got it, I need to go back and double check but I feel like it changed across IC2.2. Going to circle back and test this tomorrow night.
  3. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Just barely. It is very quiet. It is an amplifier. Intuitively it seems like the output should be significantly louder than the input signal.
  4. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Ok, so here's the full schematic. Here's the section of it that I suspect is the culprit. The "OCTAVE -" line all the way to the right runs directly to lug 1 on the octave down pot. Lug 2 on the octave down put runs to R46. The direct...
  5. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Ok, so I made an audio probe and haven't definitively figured out what's going on but I think I'm close. I've narrowed it down to the section of the circuit between The first pin on IC1 and lug 2 on the octave down pot. At pin 1 on IC1, I hear the frequency an octave down. On the second leg of...
  6. P

    Tearjerker Build

    Thank you! I bought the enclosure from Guitar Pedal Parts. Small Bear was out. As best as I can tell, they are all the same Chinese made enclosure. I'd recommend if you're getting one, go through Amplified Parts. The enclosure doesn't comes with enough #6 3/8" self tapping screws or the felt pad...
  7. P

    Tearjerker Build

    I'm pleased with the way this turned out both physically and aesthetically. It fired right up the first time I turned it on. I needed the win because I've been troubleshooting an Octarock for what feels like forever at this point. Feel free to follow my blog about that over on the...
  8. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    I haven't tried an audio probe. Just looked up how to make one and this seems super straightforward. I'll definitely be throwing one together this week and giving that a try. No idea what's going on with the noise on the octave up nor was I sure that it was atypical. I kinda dug the fuzzy nasal...
  9. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Ok, I have no idea whether anyone's reading this but I'm going to write it if only to think through the status of this pedal and what I suspect is going on. Currently, everything except the octave down is working. That knob does absolutely nothing and if you turn it all the way up with...
  10. P


    Any chance you have or know where to find a higher resolution of the schematic? This one's a little hard to read even at full magnification.
  11. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Alright, here's a more detailed update on what it is and isn't doing. I've made a video in hopes that maybe someone has run into this or another pedal doing something similar and can give me some advice about what might be going wrong here. I also just took these photos and tried to get them to...
  12. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    I know this has been quiet for a bit but circling back because I was out of town and then sick for a bit and just got troubleshooting last night. I replaced the small board on the back of the switch and it's still behaving in exactly the same way. In some sense this is a good thing because it...
  13. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Ok, I'm still just getting static when I turn it on BUT the knobs do change the frequency and level of the static which would indicate that some signal is making its way through the pedal. I might end to replacing the small board on the switch because I've spent way too much time trying to get...
  14. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Ok, that was one of my other quesitons. The components list said to use an MPSA18 but the boards says MPSA13. I didn't catch this until I had already ordered the 18's so I just rolled with throwing one of them on there but wasn't sure if this would cause an issue. I'm about to give a couple of...
  15. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    I'll try trimming those leads. Yes, those are exactly the JFETs I'm using. Yes, I can measure voltages. I have a DMM.
  16. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    I ran the jumper this morning. That certainly moved things forward a bit. Now the LED on the footswitch turns on and I get some static when it's turned on. Still not functioning though.
  17. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Which pin goes to which from the board? Are the ones on the footswitch labeled and I'm just not seeing it? Also, here's the underside of the board.
  18. P

    SOLVED Octarock Not Turning On

    Hey, so my title pretty much says it. This is my second build. When turned off, signal passes through the pedal and I get a clean sound. When turned on, the light on the footswitch does not turn on and everything goes silent. Here are some photos. Let me know if you see anything suspicious or if...
  19. P


    This looks great! Nicely done. Question: How did you know where to drill holes for the knobs and switches without the build docs? I'm considering jumping into one these. But I'm a little nervous given that it would only be my second build and the full docs haven't been posted yet.