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  1. I

    Cataclysm Delay -- No echo signal, but signal at input buffer and output buffer

    I've put together a Cataclysm delay and I'm currently getting no delay signal in my mix, and the pots dont seem to have any effect on anything. The power looks good: I'm getting ~9Vdc direct from dc wall wart, 8.8Vdc on the op amp rails (I'm guessing thats after 0.2VDC drop from the shottky)...
  2. I

    Low Tide Modulator - Randomizer circuit analysis

    Hey thanks! I'm slowly picking through this and it's a little slow going without the schematic . So when you say for low-pass filter loss, you're referring to gain losses caused by the passive LPF made up by R63+A1M and C36? Makes sense to me. I'm struggling to remember what gain losses at the...
  3. I

    Low Tide Modulator - Randomizer circuit analysis

    I built the Low Tide Modulator, what a rad pedal! Now that I've built it I'm trying to work through parts of the circuit to better understand it. Here's my crappy drawing of the randomizer circuit: Here's what I think is happening: The Attiny13A (the Randomizer) looks to just have a single...