Search results

  1. DeadAirMD

    Two Tone Fuzz transistor layout?

    Just buy the transistors for this pedal from SBP. One and done, sounds great. I didn't have to do any resistor biasing to make the transistors work.
  2. DeadAirMD

    DEFX - Zupperbee, Subarashi + Shillelagh

    Sick artwork on all the pedals!
  3. DeadAirMD

    Two builds: Wavelord & Harmonic Percolator

    Man dude, do I LOVE the Harmonic Percolator! It is capable of doing all forms of dirt, add a boost and you can make it the only dirt pedal on your board. Can do low distortion, perfect for rhythm. Turn it up a tad and you have a solid low/med overdrive. Crank everything and your tearing off the...
  4. DeadAirMD

    DEMO It puts the waterslide on its enclosure or it gets the flux.

    And of course Elizabeth is there......that was 100% his tag team partner
  5. DeadAirMD

    Skreddy Screwdriver

    @Itchy Scratcherson, I'm building that board tomorrow. Was looking at all the trimmer today and was thinking the same thing. Are any of them set/forget for you? Gotta look at them again tomorrow and see if there are any I want to keep as trimmers inside.
  6. DeadAirMD

    Three-Transistor Germanium Fuzzrite (2024)

    Is there a link to the a website related to this pedal? I did some rudimentary searching and came up with nothing. Also did a search for anyone who has created a vero 3 transistor mosrite and also came up with nothing. Is it only a YouTube video?
  7. DeadAirMD

    PT-2399 Quality Question

    PT-2399 are definitely goofy chips. 1000% recommend soldering IC sockets to your boards, if your using those chips in your circuit. This is because they are usually all over the place in regards to their quality of function, so using sockets let's you audition each chip to find which one...
  8. DeadAirMD

    BBE Tough Nut Delay ( Ibanez AD9 )

    Nice and clean, very nice!
  9. DeadAirMD

    Been a minute - dev question

    @aquataur amazing info in that write up, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Do you have a picture of the "external box" you built. Just curious to see what your setup looks like.
  10. DeadAirMD

    Anyone have a wiring diagram / build doc..for the Binuara?

    Not sure if this helps or not, but found this here. May be able to trace the colored wires?
  11. DeadAirMD

    Random Comments

    "Girl on LSD" is such a great b-side that nobody knows about.
  12. DeadAirMD

    Tearjerker ( cry baby ) wah switchless

    Awesome, that's what I figured. Went down the rabbit hole last night and was reading threads about people using dpdt relays with LRDs and LEDs to sense the light change for a switches wah......was getting a little too deep down the hole for me. There's an Instructable article about drilling...
  13. DeadAirMD

    Tearjerker ( cry baby ) wah switchless

    Just to get this straight, you did foot switch wiring to allow for latching 3pdt for regular true bypass, but also a toggle to activate a momentary dptdt to also engage the wah? Is this what your wiring diagrams achieves? Because if so, I'm doing this next weekend for sure! If this is the case...
  14. DeadAirMD

    Roast My Build - Brown Betty

    I built the Thermionic since it had great reviews and people seemed to really like it here. Was not able to get a usable tone out of that pedal, major bummer.
  15. DeadAirMD

    tayda shipping I did this search, looks like you can start here. Most likely why you don't ha e your package yet.
  16. DeadAirMD

    What Rotary Switches Do You Like?

    I've done that with 90% of my rotary switches. Just tighten the set screw and it has always worked just fine for me. Used on the Arachnid board, which I turn the switch often, never had it skip/jump.
  17. DeadAirMD

    Pearl Fl-01 Flanger

    Data sheets dude........ TL022 pin 4 is ground, lm358 pin 4 is vcc- I understand next to nothing but I don't think gnd and vcc- are the same. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. DeadAirMD

    Roast My Build - Brown Betty

    Yeah, I only use pot condoms on the pots that will be touching the board. The ones that hang off the board, those don't get condoms and are free to raw dog it.
  19. DeadAirMD

    tayda shipping

    @Joaquín V I'm not sure how shipping works in Portugal, but do you have to pay duty/custom fees? If so, have you done that already? I know for countries in Europe, that customs will hold your packages until those fees are paid.
  20. DeadAirMD

    BBE Good Enough flanger ( FL9. )

    No swooshy noise floor?!?!? Are you serious? I love flangers, especially with OD/Distortion, but when it comes to recording, nothing kills an audio boner like a background flanger swoosh. If that's the case, I need this board stat @blackhatboojum