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  1. S

    Popping Issue of M-Wave Mini Universe

    I Got this m wave mini universe reverb pedal some time ago. It sounds absolutely killer, but there's a problem with that lts been there since the beginning and lots of people also experience it. When engaged, it pops! It pops and introduces this into the reverb sound. The weird thing is, the...
  2. S

    Adding Pause Functionality to BPM Counter

    Hi, I'm following this project that's a BPM calculator with tap functionality. The creator of this project says that he wrote this code with much help from others. I asked the following question to him but he said he didn't know much about how to implement it. It's actually pretty simple. When...
  3. S

    LFO Expression Pedal

    Hi everyone. I want to make a simple layout that will act exactly like expression ramper; an automated expression pedal so to say. I want to use this with any pedal that accepts expression pedal to tinker around with its settings externally & automatically. Expression ramper seems based on...