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  1. ThatDude

    Routing options and modification to a headphone amp and UniCab

    I am also "borrowing" Synchrony Pedalworks' idea soon, and will be following both threads for additional inspiration.
  2. ThatDude

    Question for those who test PCBs before deciding to box them

    Maybe we should start a thread where we can exchange completed PCBs that are not boxed, and the person who gets your PCB has to do artwork and box it. That could be a fun mash up of each of our PCBs and everyone's design and aesthetic choices.
  3. ThatDude

    Question for those who test PCBs before deciding to box them

    You make a good point about how feelings can change about a pedal. I guess its about balance though. Maybe not boxing everything, but giving a circuit that maybe you're not sure about a chance. In that way, maybe the argument of boxing vs. not boxing is like an analogy for life, love, and...
  4. ThatDude

    Question for those who test PCBs before deciding to box them

    Yes! This is what I want. Think of all the money and space you have saved by not boxing all those circuits. I too aspire to have a box of broken dreams. haha I am going to add an Auditorium to my next order. I'll either eyeball my pot and switch placement, or make a jig using some of folks...
  5. ThatDude

    First amp build, codename “Heavyweight Champ”. In progress.

    I know the feeling. Sometimes you get too close to it and starts to look like non-sense. That's when I usually start making silly mistakes. I wasted a perfectly good Hammond Chassis a few weeks ago because I flipped the layout in my mind for the controls, but not for the internals. It was all...
  6. ThatDude

    Question for those who test PCBs before deciding to box them

    Thanks @temol. That's kind of what I am getting at. I am trying to move to a workflow that will allow me to avoid wasting an enclosure if I don't feel like boxing the PCB. Do you just eyeball the pots and switches? Yeah, I hear you @comradehoser . I am starting to accumulate pedals I've barely...
  7. ThatDude

    What amp should I build?

    A 1590dd would be very compact for a Champ circuit. Please do a build report for us when you complete this. I like seeing other folks amp builds.
  8. ThatDude

    Lo to mid gain pedal for surf punk?

    If you're looking for something to juice the amp and drive the amp's distortion more, I think a Kliche/Klon style pedal is great for that. Slight mid hump will push it forward and give the perception of being more up front. If you want to try something else, the Benson preamp, Greer Lightspeed...
  9. ThatDude

    Question for those who test PCBs before deciding to box them

    I've noticed that some folks test their builds before boxing them or deciding if they want to put them in an enclosure. The Auditorium Test Platform even helps with that workflow. I want to start doing this myself so I can be more selective when deciding if I want to box a circuit. My question...
  10. ThatDude

    What amp should I build?

    The timing on your question about chassis recommendations is impeccable. I am in the process of building a Micro Bassman Amp from Rob Robinette's design. I botched the Hammond brand chassis I had originally bought, so I bought a BUD Industries brand chassis because it would get here fast (bought...
  11. ThatDude

    Inspired by My little Klony.. Kliche

    Nice. I am using Lightburn also. It's a super intuitive program. Looking forward to seeing more of your pedals and what you else you do with the laser etcher.
  12. ThatDude

    Inspired by My little Klony.. Kliche

    Yeah, I think I remember seeing a Julia pedal you did with your laser etcher. I have been laser etching my pedals for a few months also, and I have been trying to hone the right settings, but its tricky since the settings change depending on what color powder coat the enclosure is and how thick...
  13. ThatDude

    Inspired by My little Klony.. Kliche

    I see what you did there! :ROFLMAO: Is the design laser etched into Powder coat?
  14. ThatDude

    SOLVED Low tide gate trim doesnt seem right

    As in the switches were both in the on position, or something about the way it was installed?
  15. ThatDude

    SOLVED Low tide gate trim doesnt seem right

    Darn it! I was hoping to help you figure it out. Back to the drawing board.
  16. ThatDude

    SOLVED Low tide gate trim doesnt seem right

    Are both the pad and boost switches in the on position in the photos you posted?
  17. ThatDude

    Low tide template issue

    It would be comical if on your earlier build you drilled the holes incorrectly and were able to use header pins, but on this build you drilled them correctly and were now questioning it. haha
  18. ThatDude

    Low tide template issue

    I haven't built the full size Low Tide only the mini but, this looks consistant with other Low Tide builds I've seen on here in terms of footswitch and PCB spacing. I haven't noticed anyone using header pins to connect the two. The builds I've seen, people are using something like the scrap legs...
  19. ThatDude

    Fairchild J201 in TO-92 package available on Small Bear

    This does help put things in perspective. The NOS excitement wore off after I posted, and I can solder SMD components or get the pre-mounted ones with better tolerances like you said. This is the way. Thanks!
  20. ThatDude

    Muff Party!

    That's an awesome collection! The Old Ephraim has me curious. What does it sound like with the mixture of OpAmp stages, transistors distortion and Ge clipping? Is it based on an existing circuit, or is it an original?