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  1. B

    [Solved] Sourcing LDR

    Hi, does anybody know where to source the LDR for the Delegate Compressor (EQD the warden clone) the build doc says GL5516 (500k dark) but the ones I find typically have a much higher dark resistance (1M to 10M for those sold directly by pedalPCB). Alternately, is there a vactrol ref I could use...
  2. B

    Magnetron + tap + tails

    Sure, but why not build 2 different delay then? You're going to end up with duplicate pots for time depth rate, a bunch of switches etc. To make it clear, I still have not figured out how to combine the modulation of the magnetron with the tap functionality of the bontempo.
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    Magnetron + tap + tails

    What I was trying to achieve was using the magnetron's modulation circuit and the bontempo as a substitute for the TIME pot. On the bontempo doc, pin7 of IC1 is labeled modulation PWM. My understanding of the magnetron circuit (confirmed with a sound probe) is that the section of the circuit...
  4. B

    Magnetron + tap + tails

    Hi, I am working on a modified Magnetron delay using the electric canary bontempo daughter board to add tap tempo. My plan is to remove R2 and C2 of the bontempo, connect R11 pin 2 from Magnetron to the G pin of Q1 in bontempo and pin7 of the bontempo...
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    Sproing volume and dry signal issue

    Have you figured out what the problem was? Your issue looks somewhat similar to what I describe in this post
  6. B

    Sproing: very low output / same signal on inverting and non-inverting input of IC2

    Hi, I am trying to debug a new sproing build and am stunned... I checked and reflowed all solders, checked for bridges. The led works and I have bypassed signal. What I really don't understand is the following: I get reverb signal out of pin 6 of the belton brick amd pin 2 of the...