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  1. P

    Parentheses mini fuzz side no sound

    Thanks a lot for the help this far!
  2. P

    Parentheses mini fuzz side no sound

    Hi! I swapped the PF5102 S and G pins around and I got some life in the fuzz side. Octave works really nice, so does the amplitude and filter. The distortion sounds softer as I presumed. When I turn it fully clockwise in the OpAmp clipping it gives a nice full distortion but at 12 its very "on...
  3. P

    Parentheses mini fuzz side no sound

    Thanks for helping out. I've never done these voltage measurements before so hopefully I got them right. The IC is OP07 which came with the kit from Musikding. Here are the measurement I got: 1. 9.18 2. 4.61 3. 4.18 4. 0.00 5. 0.00 6. 4.61 7. 9.24 8. 9.18 And here is what I got from the...
  4. P

    Parentheses mini fuzz side no sound

    I measured the resistance of R17 because Mcknib suspected it might have been 220R instead of 2K2. I will come back with the voltages when I have done enough Google searching. Thanks!
  5. P

    Parentheses mini fuzz side no sound

    Thanks! I measured the R17 and it was 2K2. I’ll try turning the D9K’s around first and see if it solves the issue.
  6. P

    Parentheses mini fuzz side no sound

    I have a typical problem with the Parentheses mini. Boost is working normal but the fuzz is silent. Have I made an obvious mistake with the diode orientation, soldering etc. or should I look it trough with an audio probe? Please help!