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  1. thrillhouse

    Semi-Sweet 3 Lowcut

    I just ran into this as well. The parts list in the build doc is missing the usual "dual" notation next to the Locut pot
  2. thrillhouse

    SOLVED Organ Donor - Possible Bad FV Chip?

    Received the new 24LC32A EEPROM today, popped it in and the pedal immediately came to life! Thank you for the replacement and thank you for the help!!
  3. thrillhouse

    SOLVED Organ Donor - Possible Bad FV Chip?

    Sorry for the delay and thank for the tip! Grounding pin 13 does in fact allow audio to pass so does that mean I may have a bad 24LC32A?
  4. thrillhouse

    SOLVED Organ Donor - Possible Bad FV Chip?

    Hey there everyone, Officially stuck with this one and I think it may be a bad FV chip but since this board came with the chip pre-soldered, I wanted to see if anyone had any other insight as to what might be going on or things that I could check. As it stands now, I am getting good audio into...
  5. thrillhouse


    The 8002's at Smallbear spec out at 8-24k light and 500 dark as another option around what you're looking for
  6. thrillhouse

    Resistor Question

    Awesome, thanks for the info!! Looks like I'm gonna have to start building a new Tayda order tonight although I'm also gonna check out DigiKey as well so thanks for that lead. Cheers!
  7. thrillhouse

    Resistor Question

    Hey there everyone! First of all I am totally stoked with the huge range of projects on this page! Have already done a bunch from MadBean and other places, finding this place was just a pure gold mine of options. Annnyhoo, I went with the Cobalt and Abyss boards as the first two builds and when...