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  1. analogdevice

    What is your go to DMM

    Another Fluke 115 over here. It's a great value. I also have an Aneng AN8008 which works well enough for pedal builds and would recommend it as a bridge meter if you don't have one.
  2. analogdevice

    EffectsBakery Butter Roll Vibe whine (Solved)

    I would try a different power supply to see if anything changes. Sometimes switching supplies don't agree with certain pedals. A cable like this is nice to rule out power supply issues.
  3. analogdevice

    Tweed Deluxe 5E3 Output Transformer Question

    It was how Fender wired this transformer. The FTDO-59 is meant to be a close as replica of the original as possible. The FTDO-59S is a version of this transformer with a wire instead of the self lead.
  4. analogdevice

    Need help with fuzz face wiring

    A little hard to tell from the photos but it looks like you have the power connected backwards. Center should be the -9V rail and sleeve should be ground.
  5. analogdevice

    CA3080 sub

    I've yet to find a circuit where the AS3080 doesn't function perfectly in place of a CA3080 and I've used dozens of them.
  6. analogdevice

    How to get rid of this high pitch oscillation in a fuzz face?

    It's worth noting that breadboards have a stray capacitance between rows which can make tracking down oscillations in fuzz circuits unreliable. It sounds like the common high frequency oscillation issue that occurs when using transistors with too much gain in the stock circuit. I would try the...
  7. analogdevice

    Digital BBD concept looking for comments and beta testers

    While you're at it, can you cook up a SAD1024 drop in?
  8. analogdevice

    Why Should We Clean Boards From Flux?

    Check your solder's datasheet. Some are no-clean and cleaning is either optional or impossible based on the type and others require cleaning like Kester 331, which should be rinsed within 48 hours.