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  1. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    TL071 was a typo, was thinking 072. In any case that’s sorted!
  2. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    Ok, you’ve got better eyes than I do, that totally nailed it
  3. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    That it is, good catch
  4. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    I went over everything, nothing's out of place and eveything works. But its definitely audible even in dry that there's a volume drop, and checking levels in my daw definitely confirmed it, it's about half as loud. What's weird is that's the ONLY issue. I might just chalk this up to "meh, that's...
  5. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    i'll try that then! thanks
  6. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    just finished checking everything, everything seems ok. this one is really leaving my head scratching
  7. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    Had a go switching out the bbd, still having the issue. I have a hard time with modulation schematics, could you point me in the direction of the part of the circuit that takes care of make up gain?
  8. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    I think so, I’ll try that
  9. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    Hey! Thanks for your response! I gave it a shot, ticking went away after moving the wiring. Still having volume drop tho. I decided to plug it into my daw to get a visual, and it’s not far from being a 50% drop. It’s odd because it sound great
  10. ElReverendoRyan

    Caesar Chorus Volume

    Hey gang, just fired up this build, everything is working fine, waveform works albeit a percivable clicking when internal leds are engaged, read that a TL071 could fix this. But my question is concerning a volume drop, everything i'm reading is saying that it should compensate, but i'm hearing...
  11. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    3 to the adjacent resistor
  12. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Alright! Switched the type of charge pump, and had a spare 4558 lying around. It worked, but after a while the sound would fizzle out, until i jiggled the op amp at IC1. Reflowed, same. Let it play like that (running a loop of guitar into it), and bridged connections on the op amp to adjacent...
  13. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    I’ve ordered new charge pump and tl072s. Everything else checks out. I’ll keep you posted
  14. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Continuity test checks out
  15. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    The 7660SCPAZ is a direct drop in? With the solder connection at the back?
  16. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Cheers, will check this
  17. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    What I don’t get is that it worked great, even boxed, and all of a sudden just went back to that oscillation, and I can’t bring it back. It’s definitely something power related, because when I unplug it you hear the squeal « power down »
  18. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    All that flux has been cleaned since Here’s a bigger angle
  19. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Scratch that, worked for a hot minute and was the best distortion I’ve ever played, then totally crapped the bed, started doing the same thing again minus the overheating chip
  20. ElReverendoRyan

    Informant overdrive problems

    Resolved, bad ic. Popped one in I knew to be good from another build and it came to life