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    Lab rat expanding clipping options?

    Hey Dr Gonzo, what did you end up doing with the clipping options? I'm about to start ordering parts for a Lab Rat and I'm definitely open to getting crazy with it.
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    DEMO RAT Bastard (Sushi Box Lab Rat)

    Both sound pretty damn good to me! I'm running synths through these, not guitars, so no matter what circuit it is I go with the bassiest options. Juggernaut and/or Blower Box values are definitely a good starting point.
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    DEMO RAT Bastard (Sushi Box Lab Rat)

    Well this is pretty damn fortuitous, since it sounds like we're looking for the exact same things from our Rats and I'm just at the point where I'm comfortable stepping outside the paint-by-numbers approach to pedal building. I'm in the middle of building a Sushibox Particle Accelerator at the...
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    DEMO RAT Bastard (Sushi Box Lab Rat)

    Quite a while ago I built this Fuzz Dog Baxandall/James with the Blower Box tuning (bass/drop tuned option on the kit page): do you think the "mo bass" part swaps you did are similar? What I built is by far my favorite Rat and I've had probably 6 different varieties, but adding tubey goodness...
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    6 Band EQ + Cracklejack 2 in 1? Advice?

    I'll just be using the mods on the parts list from this thread, which seems to be well covered at this point.
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    6 Band EQ + Cracklejack 2 in 1? Advice?

    I know it's about 2 years later at this point, but now that you've had it for a while, how has it held up? Your post inspired me to do basically the same thing but with the frequencies of the EQ adjusted to be more bass friendly.
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    REQUEST Leprechaun Tayda Drill Template?

    I just recently finished it using a regular BB and it's tight, but everything fits and it works perfectly.
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    Byzantium Rate LED?

    Just looked at those mods, and yeah, the LED doesn't flash when the pedal is engaged, which is totally useless.
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    Byzantium Rate LED?

    I'm about to start the Byzantium and I'm wondering what points I'd use to add a rate LED? I know it's not really necessary, but I got the standard Tayda PedalPCB 4 knob enclosure which has the LED hole in the center of the pots instead of by the footswitch, so I figure I might as well use that...
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    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    Sure, but they're 2d, and since this is a stacked 2 pcb pedal there could be issues that wouldn't address, like component height and what length headers to use. There could also be other recommendations for smaller components since each board is smaller than the original/full size version.
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    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    Just got my Low Tide Mini PCBs in the mail today, but I didn't realize that there still isn't a parts list up. Can someone maybe just post what is needed in addition to or as a replacement for the parts on the full size Low Tide BOM, like the specific headers? I'm good on sourcing low profile...
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    Byzantium Build: MN3007 + MN3101 Doable? Also 25k 3362p trimmer?

    I'm putting together my parts order for a Byzantium build (and several others) but I happen to have a MN3001 and MN3101 pair on hand, so I'm wondering if those are usable in place of the 3207 and 3102, perhaps with a few parts adjustments? I'm also having a hard time finding a 25k 3362p: can I...
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    Low Tide build 2, OR: Damn you, parts tolerances!

    Did you ever find the source of the difference between the two? I have a the Low Tide Mini pcb's showing up today and I haven't ordered the parts yet, so I'd really appreciate it if I could get some part guidance along those lines!
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    DEMO Low Tide Mini

    What mods/tweaks are you planning to do? Not sure if this is feasible, but it would be cool to have the option for other LFO types besides random (triangle, sine, square).
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    125B Tayda 4 Knob LED Position?

    Is this the only LED position for the Tayda Pedal PCB 4 knob enclosure? There are like 50 color options but I'm not seeing any for the more typical LED placements like roughly half an inch above or beside the foot switch hole. It does say "type 1" which would make you think there'd be more...
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    Spatialist Reverb

    Faaantastic, thanks. I have a 125b six knobber in need of knobs, and these are the perfect fit.
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    Spatialist Reverb

    Great work, this thing is a beaut! What knobs are those?
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    REQUEST Leprechaun Tayda Drill Template?

    Yep, I'm gonna order it drilled from Tayda, so that's exactly what I was looking for. THANK YOU!
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    REQUEST Leprechaun Tayda Drill Template?

    That's a good call for the pots, but is there an equivalent of that with two footswitches and 4 holes crammed together in an uneven way (in, out, power, expression in) on the top? There seems to be very little room for error there.
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    REQUEST Leprechaun Tayda Drill Template?

    Anyone have the measurements? No matter what I do, every print out ends up off by a few millimeters so that diagram isn't gonna cut it. It's kinda bizarre that there are no measurements when there's a full build guide!