2N5089 Transistor Alternatives


New member
Hello - I purchased both the Plecostomus Fuzz and Squidward and both of these utilize 2N5089 transistors. It appears Tayda does not have those in stock (Small Bear does) but is there a common alternative for the 2N5089? I'm okay with ordering from two places if necessary - but, was curious if there was an easier sourced alternative. Thanks in advance.
So, I may have answered my own question - but in looking at the 2N5089 datasheet it seems to imply that the 2N5088 transistor is essentially identical. The only difference I can see is a that the 5088 has slightly higher breakdown voltages which seem well above what this circuit would operate at.

So, would this be a good replacement?
The 2N5089 is a higher gain version of the 2N5088.

It'll work, it just might not have quite as much gain depending on the circuit.