Aion Azure (CE-2 clone, with bass mod)


Well-known member
Yes, after a series of unfortunate soldering events, I now have a working pedal, and it sounds great.

I did the bass mod, which is merely changing a 33nF cap to a 12nF cap, which is the only difference between the CE-2 and the CE-2B, apart from the paint scheme. EDIT: and the mix knob. But - I am pleased to report - it sounds great on guitar too. Plenty of top end swirlyness, and the lows are not muddy. I added sockets for another cap, which increases the intensity or something - I'm just going with the standard one at the moment, will try swapping it eventually.

OK, getting to the shameful part; I made the classic rookie blunder of soldering the footswitch to the wrong side of the breakout board. Never done that before, but all it takes is a moment of derp. In undoing that, the board and/or switch got damaged. At first the pedal did nothing, on or off. No signal, just nasty hums. I reflowed the solder on the prongs and ran a jumper from the left middle prong to the pulldown resistor, which fixed the effect. But it still didn't work in bypass. Nasty hum, and nothing else.

I did despair for a while, then I left it alone and did other things. I realised at some point that I had another Aion pedal with a comparable breakout board, so I checked that one with my multimeter and worked out what needed continuity and what didn't. On the Azure, there was no connection between the top left and bottom right prongs, which there was on the other pedal in both on and off settings. So I added a jumper and that fixed it.

Yes, looks terrible, in Australia we call that a bodgy job. It's very bodgy. But it works, and it seems solid enough to last, so I'm calling it fixed and leaving it at that.


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Your artwork is amazing. Definitly not a bodgy job... I will check these vynil stickers...

You might want to check the Intensity mod on this circuit, I find it really interesting. I found it here :

The Vibrato mod is also worth trying. It's beautiful... You will have to explore schematics to see how it could be done on the Aion's board, or post a question on the forum. Shouldn't be very hard for you, though.
Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 03-22-42 2nd-Chorale-BOM.pdf.png
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Here's the link to the AliExpress page for this particular sticker. That seller has dozens of designs and I've bought from them a few times with no problems. I used the 15cm square for this one, which is big enough to cover a 125B in the manner shown. Just have to trim the edges with a cutting tool and a metal ruler.

I've used softer vinyl stickers for other pedals, so they can be bent for full coverage. You need a larger (20 cm square) size for that. Here's an example from another seller I've bought from, of the softer bendable vinyl stickers.
Your artwork is amazing. Definitly not a bodgy job... I will check these vynil stickers...

You might want to check the Intensity mod on this circuit, I find it really interesting.
The Aion version uses a 47pF cap, which I have socketed, and changes it to a 100pF for the intensity mod. I'll give it a try at some point.