Angry Andy Plus - Boost at full sounds screechy


Well-known member
Screechy being the technical term of course, but basically what's going on is that when both sides are engaged (drive typically above 75%), and the boost knob is at full volume, there is a ton of high pitched squealing/kinda self-oscillation-esque sound as well. It's most pronounced using the 25w setting, but is still noticeable in the other 2 modes.

I saw another thread that mentioned the B1M pots from tayda could be noisy, and mine certainly seems to be (it is a little crackly if you sweep the pot, which the other thread was to be expected based on DC voltage leaking into it).

I guess before i go and tear frankenstein apart, does anyone have any insight on what changing the value on the B1M would do? Or maybe better asked, if dropping it down to a B500k would be significantly less gain in the boost circuit?